Do you have a morning routine?

I had many years where I felt there was no structure to my working day, the children would go to school and I would literally start work. Yes, I had my “action list” for the day but there was no routine prior to me starting work.

Over the last 6 months, I have been making subtle changes to incorporate a morning routine, it’s not perfect yet but I’ve certainly noticed a difference.

6:45-7 am – This is the time I naturally wake up along with my youngest child. Together we snuggle in our onsies and head downstairs.

7:10 am – Whilst making a cup of coffee I check my emails but don’t answer any until I’m at the computer. I also spend 10 minutes checking my social media feeds.

7:20 am – My 2 eldest sons come downstairs and we have a chat about what lessons they have at school that day or anything they want to discuss with me. The afternoons are frequently filled with work appointments or after school activities so we don’t always get the time.

7:30 am – After getting breakfast for my daughter I head upstairs to get ready.

8 am – I lay my daughters clothes out and when she’s dressed I spend time doing a French plait in her hair so it’s neat for school. We both brush teeth and head downstairs.


Morning-Routine (2)

8:30 am – School bags are ready, water bottles are filled and shoes are put on.

8:40 am – We leave for school taking Freddy the dog with us. After my youngest has gone into school Freddy and I have a very brisk walk more akin to a speed walk to get the heart pumping! At the weekends, I get up early and take him for 9 mile walks before breakfast, sadly its not possible during the week.

9:10 am – I quickly run the hoover downstairs, wash up then head into my office.

9:20 am – Whilst the computer is starting I recite some of my top 5 affirmations out loud whilst making a peppermint tea, it also helps that my password is an affirmation! I review my vision board before either reading one of my motivational books, an inspirational article or watching one of my favourite YouTube channels like Gabrielle Bernstein or Light by CoCo. I’m discovering new channels all the time but would love to hear about any that you adore.

I write something I’m grateful for on a post-it note, ready to put into my gratitude hurricane vase. I do this daily and at the end of the year will enjoy seeing what I’ve put down.

Lastly, I review my action list that I prepared the night before and start officially working.

Something I am working on is keeping a daily journal, I’m trying but it hasn’t become part of my routine – yet!

Thanks to Polly Alexandre for talking to me about “morning routines” during one of our coaching sessions

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