Fed suppliers = Happy suppliers
Recently I was browsing the blog for the wonderful Sasha Souza when I discovered an article on feeding your suppliers. I thought it was a great post and useful for any brides reading my blog. Of course my clients know we need to feed suppliers because I organise it but those that do not have a planner might not think about feeding their suppliers.
As a rule I say suppliers there for less then 4 hours should have a drink and light snack if over lunch time, i.e a sandwich & cake. If a supplier is working longer then 4 hours then they should have a hot meal. The caterer should be able to provide this easily and a fraction of the guest cost, i.e a supplier certainly does not need 3 courses the one will suffice!
I did smile at Sasha reference to bands as its so true, I also make a point of setting up a rest area for the band with soft drinks & biscuits to stop them hovering at the bar, incidentally I also make it clear soft drinks only for all suppliers.
Please do read Sasha tips for further information.
[…] 3. Confirm with the venue/caterers which supplier need feeding on the day, see this past blog post […]