Real Wedding: Karen & Rob

At new year Karen & Rob were married in a small ceremony in Thailand. They contacted me to organise a celebration of their wedding for friends and family.

Karen & Rob

Karen & Rob

They wanted it to reflect their eccentric personalities with a big emphasis on it being a party, therefore there were no wedding elements like cake cutting, first dance or speeches. We decided to hold the party in their garden in May when the weather was likely to be warmer. Chinese Hat marquees took over the whole garden from the kitchen to the summer house, this ensured that everyone was undercover and gave the party a more magical feel.

Pink FLowers

Pink FLowers

Karen looked stunning in her dress of reminded me of a greek goddess, it was from the Manuel Mota range from Pronovias Bond Street. The flowers were in pink & green vases from Ikea and filled with flowers by Karens Mum.

Green Flowers

Green Flowers

When guests arrived they were greeted with a selection of drinks and canapees served by Bespoke Caterers.



Later on staff served a selection of delicious bowl food.

Bowl Food

Bowl Food

Come back next week where we have more photos showing the design on the day.

Photo Credit: Carmel Jane Photography


  1. […] pt 2 of our report on Karen & Robs (you can see pt 1 here) party we show you some more of the design details used throughout the evening. Because we wanted […]

  2. […] One of our couples is featured in the current issue of An Essex Wedding magazine. You can also see more image via here and here […]

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