Wedding Season
I have a confession to make – I love chickflicks and by that I mean books not films. I must admit it is a bit of an obsession so I limit myself and wont buy more then 10 a year. Why? Because I get so absorbed I wont put the book down, wont talk to anyone and HAVE to finish the book.So imagine my delight standing at Waterstones counter when I saw a book called ‘Wedding Season’, well of course my radar is set to anything to do with weddings so I started reading the back.I nearly topple over when I see its about a wedding planner, so of course I had to buy it.
The first paragraph opens as:
Sarah is a wedding planner hiding a rather inconvenient truth – she doesn’t believe in love. Or not for herself, anyway. But as the confetti flutters away on the June breeze of yet another successful wedding she somehow finds herself agreeing to organise two more, on the same day and only two months away. And whilst her celebrity bride is all sweetness and light, her own sister soon starts driving her mad with her high expectations but very limited budget.
So what did I think? I loved it even though the reality of the story is totally out. She doesnt seem to have a wedding between June & August, she plans budget weddings & big weddings yet has her own flat/house – er. how does she pay the rent?! Then there is the celebrity client who hired her via her agent without meeting her. Or the fact the dress designer & hair stylist accompany her on every meeting. Well for me my florist is my ‘right-hand’ woman not hairdresser, no offence .
BUT – I loved it, yes it was predictable but then arent all girly books? I think all wedding loving girls should buy it, for a sneak of the first chapter visit the authors site Katie Fforde