The Week of a Wedding Planner


Despite being a bank holiday weekend I have been working on #wedmin over the weekend. This morning was spent relaxing before starting work at lunchtime, I’m finalising all the schedules, updating them before the final version is sent to suppliers this week (they will have received a prior version) Last minute guests have been added thus I’m sending to Emily & Jo at Highfield Event Group throughout the day.

We have 27 children attending this wedding, we originally booked the crèche for 20 children so I send a list to them to ensure they have enough staff for the increase!

I sporadically check the BBC Weather and Met office for likelihood of rain on Saturday. Its literally changing by the hour, best assume the worst and hope for the best. We add a last min order of heaters to the marquee booking.

I also uploaded another September clients guest list onto Top Table Planner for their wedding mid September so they can start working on their table plan.

Although finalising the wedding at the weekend I have another client BBQ event for the Sunday so reconfirm all suppliers and check in with my client. One of my assistants Lucie is managing the BBQ for me.

Throughout the day various guests contact me to enquire about dress code, shuttle service and gift lists. I always suggest I’m the contact on the invitations so my clients can relax during these final days prior to the wedding.

The morning is spent answering emails then speaking to the stationer for this weekends wedding as some guests have been added and some cannot make it

I liaise with an ice cream company about access for Sundays BBQ, finalise the flowers with Jades Flowers and update Lucie on any changes.

When discussing the layout with the band they mentioned they would prefer a different position for the stage, so with some tweaking, Highfield Event Group  send a revised CAD drawing to me for approval.

I drive to Suffolk to check the progress so far on the build and chat with suppliers on site.

I proof the stationery so Emily and Jo can rush through the printing and send by courier direct to the marquee reception for Friday. Due to last minute changes we were unable to print any earlier.

I order refreshments for the staff room and bands rider and arrange for the delivery to be direct to Suffolk.

And various deliveries arrive including the gorgeous linen from 88 Events for both the wedding and my other clients BBQ.

This is our main day getting the marquee in shape for tomorrow. I load my car with the linen, signage, candles, confetti, children’s colouring items – literally everything bar my lunch which I left on the side. Darn it!

I collect my assistant (Lisa) and we arrive on site for 1030am, the priorities for today are:

  • Getting the tables into position and clothed
  • Lisa folds the napkins and places on the tables
  • The children’s table is set up with the crayons and pencils
  • Cellar27 deliver all the drink and set up the bar.
  • Organising the staff room with furniture and refreshments
  • The toilets, generator and fridge trailer arrives

Whilst there I also deal with last minute queries for the BBQ on Sunday in Essex

We are on site early and finish at 3am before crashing into this wonderful B&B, The Drift

Oh and the weather? A tad overcast but thankfully no rain 😉

We hope to show you images from this wedding soon but in the meantime if you are stressed out just reading this, then be sure to get in touch for your event planning requirements.

Photography: Kerry Morgan and Mark Bothwell

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